Saturday, March 24, 2012

Deploying a Beta 1 website

Hi all,

I, like most people I think, am not in control of my webserver. I have my testing server, of course, but that's all it is. I code on a laptop.

This is why the new AJAX Beta confuses me so, because it seems to assume I am in control of my webserver, and contains no instructions on uploading a website that uses ASP.NET AJAX (I think we're actually going to have to abbreviate the abbreviations here and call it ANA).

Does anyone actually know how to deploy an ANA Beta 1 website?


PS: Just a thought on abbreviating the abbreviations... thank god it's not called ASP.NET AJAX Library, eh?... I'm so immature.Stick out tongue

Okay, I am massive idiot. Let me explain why.

When I tried to upload the binaries, I wondered "Why isn't the last version in the bin folder?"

Duh. Wrong folder.

Sorry everyone, it's easy to deploy, just put the new DLLs in the bin folder as usual.


What I want to know is...

The installation notes ( have the following disclaimer...


The installation package installs the ASP.NET AJAX assembly (Microsoft.Web.Extensions.dll) in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Do not include the assembly in the Bin folder of your AJAX-enabled Web site.

So how are we supposed to deploy to a shared webserver. Try to convince them to load the dll in the GAC?



Hmm. I stuck the binaries in the bin folder on my shared webserver. Didn't install anything at all to the GAC. And it works. Isn't it supposed to not do that?


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