Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Did Features Get Fixed In RC?

I loved ASP.NET Ajax back when it was "Atlas", but I haven't used it much since. There were a few things that really bothered me about the framework, however, and I'm wondering if things have changed.

In particular:

1. Is there a concept of an "event" in the client script library for the built-in features (like are there events like "DragStart" for the drag/drop functionality for example).
2. Does ASP.NET Ajax still require the SciptManager/ScriptManagerProxy malarky? I was hoping there would be a SciptManagerSettings control and that Atlas controls automatically registered a ScriptManager "singleton" (per page request) when they're loaded (the idea being you don't have to mess with the clumsiness of worrying about whether the ScriptManager already exists somewhere a MasterPage/Page/base class).

This post from Scott Guthrie tells you exatly the bug fixes and new improvements:

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