Saturday, March 24, 2012

Deployment on production server : Ajax does not function; on local WorkStation is Ok


I have just put to me to the AJAX, I installed it well on my PC, my ajax project with "Update Panel" functions locally.

I put it in production, I put the extensions in [bin]: "AjaxControlToolkit.dll"; System.Web.Extension is quite present in the GAC and when I click on the button to refresh the "update panel" in which a label update yourself. a traditional PostBack of alll the page is carried out! as if there were no Ajax!!?

Help me!

En fran?ais :


Je viens de me mettre à l'AJAX, je l'ai bien installé sur mon poste, mon projet ajax avec un Update Panel fonctionne en local.

Je le mets en production, j'ai mis les extensions dans [bin] :
"AjaxControlToolkit.dll", System.Web.Extension est bien présent dans le GAC

et quand je clique sur le bouton pour rafraichir l'update panel dans lequel un label se mets à jour. un rafraichissement classique de toute la page s'effectue! comme si il n'y avait pas d'Ajax!!?

un peu d'aide ne serait pas de refus!

The first think I will ask you is to make sure the same version of Ajax is installed on the production server. I know it may sound silly, but I know several people with similar problem and they claim that they have the same version, but when they take a deeper look, they notice that there was not the same.

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