Saturday, March 24, 2012

Deployment of AJAX-enabled web page on production server trouble

VS 2005 sp2,, sql 2005 enterprise sp2, IE7 & IE6, AJAX 1.0 toolkit and extensions.

The specific problem I am having is that I can't get the tabcontrol/tabpanels ("tab controls") to show up properly on the production server. I have a tabcontrol with 3 tabpanels. Inside each panel, I have a gridview and/or detailsview. When I load the page, I see the center gridlines (without the outer borders) of the gridview and detailsview and no tabs and no data. I also notice the "Done. Page loaded with errors" message on the bottom left status bar.

As with most of you, I have a dev machine and a production server. The tab controls show up just fine on the dev machine but when I move it to the production server, the same tab controls do not completely show up. The following is the watered-down version of what I am using:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<cc1:TabContainer ID="Tabs" runat="server">
<cc1:TabPanel runat="server" ID="tab1" HeaderText="Tab1">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="GridView1" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Column1" HeaderText="Column1" meta:resourcekey="BoundFieldResource1"></asp:BoundField>
<asp:BoundField DataField="Column2" HeaderText="Column2" meta:resourcekey="BoundFieldResource2"></asp:BoundField>
<cc1:TabPanel runat="server" ID="tab2" HeaderText="Tab2">

I have installed the extensions on the production server (to fix another problem) and I have also confirmed that the dll's are in the bin folder. Any assistance as to why the tab controls not showing up is appreciated.

Thanks in advance to all. I am able to provide further information upon request.


Just in case this may help someone else,

I found out the root of my problem was that I was using an AJAX enabled web-site instead of using the AJAX control toolkit template when I first made my website. I have mixed and matched some lines from my orginial "AJAX enabled" web-site and my new "toolkit template" web-site and found that the difference is only a few lines in the web.config file.

However, being exhausted in the search for an answer and not wanting to debug any further..., I decided to just move over all of my pages and worked it up in the "toolkit template" style.

I am having some of the same problems with my website and using the Tab Control. However, my website is pre-AJAX so I incorporated the new web.config and converted the existing web to use AJAX. Everything works fine on my development machine, but not when I deploy to the production server (which is running IIS 5.1). Do you think I should create a new website by using the new "toolkit template" and then copy pages to it?

I think installing the lastest versions of the toolkit and using the AJAX template is a good idea, perhaps not the only idea but the only one I have run across so far. Try to stay away from the AJAX enabled website since that was what I was using. I had also tried installing the AJAX toolkit extensions on the production server, which helped fix another problem I had with accordionpanes. This may have been related or not but since the toolkit is very new, it looks like there are still a lot of kinks they need to go over and for us to go around for now. But I would do the upgrade first before going and installing things on the production server.

If you can/have figure(d) out the difference in the web.config file, that should be enough but if it would give you peace of mind, upgrading it might not be a bad idea as it seems to have fixed additional minor bugs that I have run across.

When upgrading, the major difference I noticed was that I had to delete the two <cc1> references on each page (first the reference at the top of each page and the second in the page itself) and replaced it with <ajaxtoolkit> only inside the page. The reference was not needed at the top of each page for <ajaxtoolkit>, maybe something to do with the new web.config.

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