I'm using a DetailsView to insert new records into a database as well as edit existing records. The Modal is called via ModalPopupExtender.Show() when a LinkButton is clicked and then hidden when the LinkButtons on the DetailsView are clicked. The Functions of the modal popup seem to work fine as well as the Insert() Update() methods of the DetailsView. The problem I'm having is with updating the Text property of the LinkButton at the bottom of the DetailsView to change it from "Add" to "Save" depending on the DetailsView.CurrentMode that I'm changing to/from. I've tried using Update Panels around the LinkButtons only in the DetailsView and then I added an AsyncPostBack trigger for the LinkButton that pops the modal DetailsView in Insert mode and an AsyncPostBack that pops the modal DetailsView in Edit mode from the GridView I have on the page. Then I added a PostBack trigger to handle clicks of the LinkButton on the DetailsView for Insert/Update (depending on the mode) and then Cancel. Both of the postbacks close the modal successfully, it's the AsyncPostBacks that are not updating the Modal DetailsView to show the right Text on the one LinkButton I'm trying to update. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code:
1protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)2 {34 }5protected void AddCategory_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)6 {7 ModalPopupExtender1.Show();8 CategoryDetailsView.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.Insert);910 }11protected void UpdateInsert_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)12 {13if (CategoryDetailsView.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.Insert)14 {15 CategoryDetailsView.InsertItem(true);16 }17if (CategoryDetailsView.CurrentMode == DetailsViewMode.Edit)18 {19 CategoryDetailsView.UpdateItem(true);20 }21 }22protected void Cancel_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)23 {24 ModalPopupExtender1.Hide();25 CategoryDetailsView.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.ReadOnly);2627 }28private LinkButton updateinsertbtn29 {30get31 {32 LinkButton udtisrtbtn;33 udtisrtbtn = (LinkButton)CategoryDetailsView.FindControl("UpdateInsertLinkBtn");34return udtisrtbtn;35 }36 }37private int index38 {39get40 {41return CategoryGridView.SelectedIndex;42 }43 }44protected void CategoryGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)45 {46 CategoryDetailsView.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.Edit);47if (index != -1)48 {49 ModalPopupExtender1.Show();50 CategoryGridView.DataSourceID =null;51 CategoryTableAdapter categoryAdapter =new CategoryTableAdapter();52 CategoryGridView.DataSource = categoryAdapter.GetCategories();53 CategoryGridView.SelectedIndex = index;54int categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(((Categories.CategoryDataTable)CategoryGridView.DataSource).Rows[CategoryGridView.SelectedRow.DataItemIndex]["CategoryID"]);55 SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand ="Select CategoryName, CategoryDescription, CategoryID from Category where CategoryID = " + categoryid;5657 CategoryDetailsView.DataBind();58 CategoryGridView.DataSource =null;59 CategoryGridView.DataSourceID ="SqlDataSource1";60 SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand ="Select CategoryID, CategoryName, CategoryDescription from Category Order by CategoryName";61 CategoryGridView.DataBind();6263 }64 }
function okScript()
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
<asp:HyperLinkID="AddCatLinkButton"runat="server"Text="Add New Category"NavigateUrl="javascript:NewCategory('addCategory.aspx');"></asp:HyperLink><br/>
<asp:LinkButtonID="AddCategoryLinkButton"runat="server"Text="Add New Category"OnClick="AddCategory_OnClick"></asp:LinkButton>
<asp:TemplateFieldHeaderText="Remove Category">
There are no categories to display.
</tr> </table><asp:PanelID="CategoryPanel"runat="server"GroupingText="Product Category"Style="display:none;"CssClass="modalPopup">
<asp:LinkButtonID="OkButton"runat="server"></asp:LinkButton> <asp:LinkButtonID="CancelButton"runat="server"></asp:LinkButton>
<asp:SqlDataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"runat="server"ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:IT_ASSETDbase %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Category] WHERE [CategoryID] = @dotnet.itags.org.CategoryID"InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Category] ([CategoryName], [CategoryDescription]) VALUES (@dotnet.itags.org.CategoryName, @dotnet.itags.org.CategoryDescription)"
SelectCommand="SELECT 'javascript:NewCategory(''editCategory.aspx?CategoryID=' + CAST(CategoryID AS nvarchar) + ''');' AS URL, CategoryID, CategoryName, CategoryDescription FROM Category"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Category] SET [CategoryName] = @dotnet.itags.org.CategoryName, [CategoryDescription] = @dotnet.itags.org.CategoryDescription WHERE [CategoryID] = @dotnet.itags.org.CategoryID">
I was unable to accomplish changing the Text property value to what I wanted but I ended up modifying the code to remove the Update Panels in order to get modal DetailsView to Insert and Edit records and then update the GridView control by calling GridView.DataBind() after the Update() or Insert() methods were called for the DetailsView. Not exactly what I wanted but works.
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