Saturday, March 24, 2012

Deploying ajax apllication on the server where ajax extension are not installed in GAC [gl

I am copying ajax extension in the bin directory of my website and giving to the client.
For instance if the Ajax extension is not installed on the server then my bin directory dlls will work other wise the GAC version of ajax extension work.
Any Comment on this idea

This is a perfectly acceptable way of deploying an ajax application. This should work so long as you include the Microsoft.Web.Extensions.Design and Microsoft.Web.Extensions dll's in your project.

I may be missing one, but those are the main two, excluding the ajaxtoolkit dll if you want to use any of the toolkit controls.

Thanks tfsmag.

Please also clear me about two points

1, For letting the refrence from the Bin directory what changes i need in the web.config [if any]

2, For instance if i have copied ajax 1.o version in my bin directory.for instance now there is a new release of the Ajax Extensions let say 1.1 and on the server this new version become installed

Now which version of my ajax dll will be called GAC or from Bin directory ?

if you already reference the proper dll's in your web.config you shouldn't need to change it. If I recall correctly the application will use the version in the bin if there is one. I'm pretty certain that the app only looks in the GAC if you don't have a reference to the dll's in your bin folder. I may be incorrect (it's been a few months since I had to deal with this issue and I don't have access to the old source code from the app that I worked with handy at the moment). Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

As far as the ajax extensions go, I believe you'll need to have the proper version of the extensions that matches the version of AJAX you're using. For instance I don't think the current version of the extensions will work with the previous version of AJAX.

Hope this helps!

- Jeff


well, if you want my opinion, you shouldn't do that unless you know that your apps will run in full trust. there are some operations performed by the ajax that requires more priviliges that are available on medium trust apps (which is how most web apps are configured)

I don't think I've ever created a web app that didn't run in medium trust, I guess I'm confused as to why having your dll's in the bin rather than the GAC will affect anything as far as trust levels go. Could you explain it to me, I'd like to know for future reference.

hello again.

if i recall correclty, since .net 2.0 gac components have full control. if it's there, it can do anything. period. there are some cases where the ajax platform would need full trust to perform its operation. if the dll wasn't on the gac, this would mean that your web app wouldn't be able to continue to run in medium trust.since the dll is on the gac, everything will work without being necessary to change the trust level of the site. I think that Scott Gu has spoken about this in the past in his blog, so you might want to run a search over it...

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