Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Different version...same problems...

Hi, I have downloaded the last version of "ATLAS" and I keep trying to make this things...

I have two file in my project, the UserControlDefault.ascx and Default.aspx
in my Default.aspx i have a button (bt1) and an UpdatePanel (up1).

When i hit the bt1, I load dinamically the UserControlDefault.ascx.
Inside this UserControlDefault.ascx, I have a button and a TextBox, when I hit this button, my textbox receive the value "Text changed.";

My problem is that, the usercontrol's button click doesn't fire and the usercontrol disappears =(

If I set the UseSubmitBehavior to false, I get a javascript error =(

How can I do this?


My problem is that, the usercontrol's button click doesn't fire and the usercontrol disappears =(

are you re-creating the user control every time the page is loaded? Once you add a dynamic control, you must re-instantiate it on every request.


If I set the UseSubmitBehavior to false, I get a javascript error =(

probably the __doPostBack javascript function is not being dropped on the page. Put this statement in the Page_Load handler of your user control:

Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, String.Empty);
Thanx man =D

this really works for me :)

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