Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Digg Style Comments

How can you implement a digg style commenting system using AJAX.NET?

I tried to use the CollapsiblePanelExtender within a Repeater. The idea was to fire off an asynchronouspostback to update comment rankings when the collaspe and expand controls are triggered.

Soon after I discovered that CollapsiblePanel doesn't expand/collapse within a Repeater if SuppressPostBack="false". If SuppressPostBack="true", then i could execute some code to update the ranks.

Then I realize once a PostBack occurs all my CollapsiblePanels will revert to their default collapsed or expanded state.

Please provide some ideas or point me in the right direction.


Try to specify asynchronous post back for the events of?the CollapsiblePanelExtender?through?a?asp:UpdatePanel.Can?you?post?some?codes?here?

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