Sunday, March 11, 2012

Debug breakpoints not working in AJAX beta 1 - any Visual Studio fix yet?

Follow the link about debugging AJAX that Scott Guthrie (General Manager of the .NET Framework left in my blog)

There are lots of steps to enable that:

That's interesting, but the problem I am having is not with Javascript debugging.

I am trying to debug the "code behind" which in my case is written in VB.NET and is in my module Homepage.aspx.vb

With debug enabled in Web.config I was able to step through the code behind while I was running the Atlas CTP version, but Visual Studio (2005) is not stopping at the breakpoints now that I have the AJAX Beta 1 version installed.

Anyone else experiencing this? Is there something new that has to be done in Web.config to enable this?


Try setting your ScriptManager

EnablePartialRendering="true" to false. I know that is the only work around for being able to enable trace and it may be the same thing for attaching the debugger...Once done debugging then set back to true...


Anyone else experiencing this? Is there something new that has to be done in Web.config to enable this?


not really. are you using the internal server?

Hi, i'm having the same problem. While debugging in the C# codebehind VS2005 is not stopping at the Breakpoints. I removed AJAX and VS2005 still won't stop on breakpoints. Can anyone help?

I know this is could be a simple question, but are you sure you set the web.config for debug?


one more thing to check out is if the web app is compiling ok. if it's not, you won't be able to debug the code because the pdb files you have are from a previous working version.

I'm still not sure why this is happening all of a sudden but someone suggested this workaround for now: simply right mouse click on "Visual Studio 2005" and select "Run as Administrator". I know this isn't a perm fix but right now i just need to crank out some code and need my debug :)


aha...I would never remember this because I have set my VS shorcut so that it always run as admin (and you'll have to kepe doing it with the next release too)

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