Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Delete and edit in ReorderList


Is is possible to delete and edit the listitems in the ReorderList? Any examples of this?



I have created the DeleteCommand event in the reorderList.. It looks like

protected void ReorderList1_DeleteCommand(object sender, ReorderListCommandEventArgs e)

But how do I trigger this event?
I could add a "linkbutton"(or something else) in the itemtemplate, but this obviously doesn't send an ReorderListCommandEventArgs, so I dont know what item in the list i selected..



You just need to set the CommandName property of the LinkButton to "delete" to fire this event.


That worked.
I implemented the ItemCommand, instead of the DeleteCommand as I wrote earlier. Then I could do both editing and deleting with the same event:

protected void ReorderList1_ItemCommand(object sender, ReorderListCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "Delete")
//Code for deleting the item

if (e.CommandName == "Edit")
//Code for editing the item

Got a new problem now...

When i want to save after editing, I use the following code:

if (e.CommandName.Equals("Save"))
List<myReorderListItem> list = (List<myReorderList>)Session["data"];

TextBox tb = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("tbEdit");
myReorderListItem m = new myReorderListItem();

m.Title = tb.Text;
m.Priority = e.Item.ItemIndex + 1;

list.Insert(e.Item.ItemIndex, m);

ReorderList1.EditItemIndex = -1;

It finds the textbox control, but tb.Text is the same text that was in the textbox, before I edited it...

How can I get the "new/edited" text? (What actually is in the textbox)

alert(document.getElementById('tbEdit').value); returns the right value, but I wasn't planning on doing any javascript on this page..

tried this.Page.FindControl("tbEdit") also, but that also returns the textbox with the Text before it was edited!

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