Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DefaultButton in UpdatePanel

ASP.Net 2.0 has a nice feature. You can - in a panel - define a DefaultButton. When you have focus in a TextBox (on the panel) and presses RETURN, you click the DefaultButon.
When using an UpdatePanel (ScriptManager:EnablePartialRendering="True) this also works fine, but... only once.
Does somebody knows a workaround or a solution or am I doing something wrong?



well, this is a side-effect bug related with the way the code used by the works. when you add a default button, you get this on your panel:

THe problem happens on the WebForm_firedDefaultButton. Inside, the method checks for a global variable called __defaultFired which initially is set to false. the 1st thing the method does is check the value of this var. if it is set to true, it doesn't do anything since it thinks you're re-submitting the form. if you think only about ASP.NET, this makes sense, right?

unfortunatelly, when yuo use atlas you start getting the behavior you've described. for now, i think that you can override the prerender method of your page and add this:

protected override void OnPreRender (EventArgs args)
this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "resetBt", "__defaultFired = false;", true);

By injecting this instruction, you're resetting the state of the _defaultFired variable so that you're able to start another request when you press the enter key.

btw, what's wrong with the feedback center? i'm trying to add a bug and can't pass from the searh page :(

Thank you for your reply Luis. It works!

Sorry to say but then i am having the same problem and not bale to get it work :(

Can you please help ?

This is a known issue in the current CTP and we are considering fixing it in a future release.



the prerender solution doesn't work at my neither :(

maybe it depends on which CTP you're using? are there any other solutions available right now?

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs args)
this.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "resetBt", "__defaultFired = false;", true);

works in IE but not in Firefox

always working Workaround or Fix would be great

Does anyone have a workaround for this that will work in Firefox? I'd really rather not have to yank out all of my updatepanels, but this is about the only option I see right now.



i really hanve't checked how the current version implements this functionality. i suggest that you use a new static methods of the scriptmanager class instead of using the clientscriptmanager class to register the startup scripts.

Has anyone figured out a way to get the the default button working with firefox in an updatepanel?

Did'nt want to start a new topic!



if i recall correctly, the approach mentioned on this thread doesn't work only in IE (ie, it should work without any problems in firefox)

After struggling with this for a while between browsers andAtlas I chose a dumb method and implement this in code, w/o using the DefaultButton attribute. I set this on Page_Load for any control collection. In fact ASP.NET should have a default button setting for just about anything that is clickable - for example the button on an panel extender.

publicstaticvoid SetDefaultButton(WebControl button,ControlCollection cc)
foreach (System.Web.UI.Control wcin cc)
SetDefaultButton(button, wc.Controls);
if (wcis System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl)
if (wcis System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox)
TextBox tb = (TextBox)wc;
SetDefaultButton(button, tb);
}}}publicstaticvoid SetDefaultButton(WebControl button,TextBox tb)
if (tb.TextMode ==TextBoxMode.MultiLine)


"onkeydown","if(event.which || event.keyCode){if ((event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode == 13)) {document.getElementById('" + button.UniqueID +"').click();return false;}} else {return true}; ");

The OnPrerender() solution above didn't work for my app.

I had this issue in IE and Firefox.In IE the first time the user pressed enter the default button fired, but after that it won't fire. In FireFox is was just the opposite, the first time it wouldn't fire and then it fired fine after that.

The fix I came up with (after seeing the OnPrerender() exmaple) is to set the __defaultFired variable appropriately in the pageLoad() function which AJAX calls after the page is completely loaded. This works for IE, Firefox and Safari.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function pageLoad()
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1)
__defaultFired = true;
__defaultFired = false;

I put this on my master page and now all my default buttons fire properly now.

Anyone know why Firefox has the reverse logic for __defaultFired?

I am having the same problem. :( DefaultButton works only in IE, not in Firefox. Can anyone on the Ajax team comment on whether this will be fixed for the release version?


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